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Concerts, Ice Cream and More! My Summer Bucket List

Can you believe it is already summer? I know summer does not officially until June 20 but in my book, summer starts June 1. Fall may be my favorite season, but summer has some of my favorite things to do. Due to the pandemic over the last two years, summers have not been the same. I compiled a list of things I would like to do now that things are opening back up. Here is my bucket list for summer 2022.


I am always up for a concert, but outdoor concerts are my favorite. I love the music, the atmosphere, and the people. And of course, having iLevel on my power wheelchair makes concerts even better. I can elevate to see the stage and hear the music better. There is something about a group of people being in the same place to share their mutual enjoyment of an artist. In snowy Michigan, an outdoor concert is the number one sign that summer has arrived.

Bonfires and Swimming

During summer nights, bonfires are my go-to activity. I love being with friends and having late night chats around the fire. Bonfires are good for being with large groups or being by myself while cozying up with a good book. Also, who does not love a perfectly cooked s’more?

If I have learned anything in the past year, it is that I LOVE being in the water. When I am in the pool, I feel a sense of freedom. I can move freely in the water and take several independent steps. When I get the chance to swim, I am in the pool for hours and if I could swim every day, I would swim like a fish.

Carnival and Fireworks

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Another thing on my to do list this summer is go to a carnival that has fireworks. In Michigan, it is not uncommon to see a fireworks show on the last day of the carnival. It is like getting a two-for-one deal. You can enjoy yummy food, games, and rides during the day and see pretty fireworks at night.

Ice Cream Dates

On a hot summer day, what better way to cool off than with a scoop of ice cream? I do not need it to be summer for to enjoy ice cream but having it in the summer is a nice perk.

About Isabella Bullock: Isabella, or Izzie for short, is an employment specialist for the Center of Independent Living. She is an iced coffee enthusiast who enjoys getting lost in a good book. Click here to learn more about Isabella.

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